on me tonight how I’ve never seen Jimmy outside his room. Remember
wondering for a while – and still now – if he’s got some sort
of problem. Like agoraphobia or whatever. After seeing him again just
now, I’m more certain than ever.
a good night at the start, listening to tunes and playing Tomb
Raider. This time it was mostly Jimmy, I and Led Zeppelin, an old
band Dad used to like when he was younger. There was this funny
moment when we imagined if aliens were observing the planet to study
human behaviour and they’d homed in on us. The two of us sat there,
listening to seventies metal and generally chilling out. How the
aliens’d be deciding that of all the people on campus, we were the
ones who knew what the score was. Who were using their time in the
best way possible. (Doesn’t sound as funny as I write it now but at
that moment we were finding this scenario hilarious.)
just as the night was ending, the worst thing happened in that Jimmy
said he was leaving university. The situation is, he hasn’t been to
a single lecture since getting here (he’s supposed to be studying
political science).
I asked “Why not?” he simply replied that he hadn’t felt like
it; like his heart hadn’t been in it. His course I mean. At least I
think so. But anyway he got a letter last week kicking him out.
didn’t seem particularly bothered when telling me. Said it was fate
and probably a sign he was meant to be doing something else. Said
he’d miss halls and the friends he’s made, but that he’ll still
visit from time to time.
strange to say I’d miss him, but finally said I was sorry to see
him go, which sounded better I guess. Dawned on me again how I’ve
never seen him anywhere but his room – a few times we’ve been out
as a group, Graz, Jung, Adam and even Sean, but though Jimmy always
says he’s gonna join us on such occasions, he never does.
Tomb Raider with a random selection of people dropping in and out to
say hello. Next term there’s gonna be none of that. A few weeks
from now and it’ll be a blurred, “See ya later,” sort of
farewell that won’t properly sink in until the option of going up
there is no longer around.
Jimmy’s room … I’ll miss it for sure. But at least now I’ll
be forced to kill the addiction.
I’ll make cornflakes
with hot milk before going to bed. For some reason I’ve got a real
craving for cornflakes.
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